Walking is beneficial

#MiddleburyCT #Seniors #Walking #Exercise

We need to move more. They call it an inactive lifestyle when we get very little exercise and do a lot of sitting. Whether we’re sitting in front of a computer, or watching TV, or even riding in a car for long hours, sitting is sitting, and too much of it isn’t good for us. Just a few medical problems that can come from too much sitting around are diabetes, high blood pressure and osteoporosis. And stroke and high cholesterol and the list goes on.

Are you ready to get moving yet? It’s easy to start. Walking can be one of the most beneficial forms of exercise, and the benefits can be life changing: stronger bones and muscles, lower blood sugar, improved quality of sleep and much more.

Ask your doctor how many steps you need to take each day and how many minutes of exercise you need per week because – believe it or not – there is a risk of too much exercise. The often-quoted 150 minutes of exercise per week or 10,000 steps per day might not apply to you.

If your doctor adheres to the standard advice (thousands of steps per day), fear not. The internet is loaded with suggestions and videos aimed at seniors, and it’s a good place to start for walking ideas. Here are three:

  • If you live in a building with an elevator, stop it one floor below where you normally get off. Walk up the rest of the way.
  • If you have a big box store near you, use the aisles as your personal track, or make a circuit of the store once or twice.
  • Leave your car at the other end of a parking lot.

If you’re just now beginning a walking program, start small but set attainable goals. And as always, when you exercise, stay hydrated!

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