Is it necessary to stop Viagra after a stroke?

#MiddleburyCT #BarretsEsophagus #ProtonPumpInhibitor DEAR DR. ROACH: My husband had a small stroke last spring, causing a minor loss of vision in his left eye. He is 81 and an otherwise ... Continue Reading →

Physician revokes driver’s license without explanation

#Middlebury #Health #DriversLicense DEAR DR. ROACH: My wife’s handicap parking placard expired, and she asked her primary care physician to fill out a renewal application. The ... Continue Reading →

Heart attack vs. stroke: Balancing the risks

#Middlebury #Health #Statins DEAR DR. ROACH: Your recent article on statins/strokes piqued my interest since you mentioned that statins might cause hemorrhagic strokes. My husband had ... Continue Reading →

Is ‘Beaver Fever’ cause of digestive trouble?

#Middlebury #Health DEAR DR. ROACH: Last summer I went camping and ran out of clean water. I had to boil water and drink it without any treatment tablets. That evening, I had painful ... Continue Reading →

‘Burning’ tattoo forces halt to MRI

#Middlebury #Health DEAR DR. ROACH: Can you please explain how an MRI machine affects the pigment in a tattoo? My friend’s MRI procedure was stopped because she was experiencing ... Continue Reading →

In hydration game, coffee counts

#Middlebury #Health DEAR DR. ROACH: I drink a lot of coffee, about 80 ounces per day. I feel no ill effects and have no stomach discomfort, but my wife says water is better. A kidney ... Continue Reading →

Does hole on heart increase stroke risk?

#Middlebury #Health DEAR DR. ROACH: Articles on strokes or TIAs rarely mention that they can be caused by a congenital heart defect. I had a family member with a patent foramen ovale ... Continue Reading →