Do I need a new coat this year?

#Middlebury #Seniors #Winter

With cold weather here, we’re all trying to find ways to stay warm both indoors and when we go out. Are you set up for winter? This is the time to be sure. Here is what I’ve done so far this year.

Slippers that you wear around the house: Have yours stretched out over the years? Is there any chance you could walk right out of them? This might be the year you need to invest in new indoor footwear for safety. Slippers are jotted down on my own list because yes, I do need new ones, and I’m going for slippers with a solid bottom.

Indoor vest: I’ve had one for years that adds a layer of warmth when the house is a bit chilly when worn over a sweatshirt or a long sleeve waffle shirt. It’s still fine.

Gloves: I’ve discovered that my insulated gloves that have kept my hands warm for years now have worn through the seam on the thumb, creating a 1-inch hole and letting in very cold air. I discovered how that happened: It’s from holding the steering wheel in the car. I’ll be pulling out my needle and thread to make that repair.

Hat, scarf, boots: check.

Winter coat with hood: And this is where making a major purchase is iffy. Do I need a new winter coat this year … or not?

And the answer is no. Three winters into Covid, it’s still out there. Despite the new omicron booster, there are experts who say we’ll have another Covid surge this winter with rising cases and hospitalization numbers, mostly due to human behavior and dwindling interest in getting a booster.

So no … once again, I don’t need a new winter coat. I still won’t be going out as much as I used to long ago.

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