Keep your spirits up

#Middlebury #Seniors

Depending where we live, many of us are still in lockdown. Still, there are ways to keep our spirits up.

Plants can make all the difference in how we feel in our environment. Check your local nursery’s website for small plants you can either have delivered or pick up at the curb. Some of the easiest to grow are pothos, spider plant and philodendron. Beware, however, if you have pets. Be sure you can either hang up your plant or put it up on a bookcase where the pet can’t reach it.

Books we enjoyed a long time ago can take us back to a time and place that was calm and safe. Look on your own bookshelves or consider getting an e-reader (look for my recent column on using a Kindle) if you don’t want to take a chance going into your own library, assuming it’s open.

Baking can fill the house with lovely smells. Since finding flour is impossible in many parts of the country, look online for hundreds of recipes that don’t require flour. No-flour banana bread, flourless chocolate cake … you can even make oatmeal muffins. Just be certain you can acquire all the ingredients before you set your heart on making a recipe.

Zoom is the online conference program that so many companies are using for business meetings. We can learn Zoom, too, and stay in touch with family and friends if we have a computer or device with a camera. Explore the basic free version of Zoom. You’ll be limited to 40 minutes in group meetings, with no limit on one-to-one meetings. Your first step will be to read online instructions and get comfortable with the steps to set up a connection. Your second step will be to tell family and friends you’re ready to start Zooming!

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