Resolve to better the lives of animals


DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Every year, I make a resolution to care for my pets. At one time I had two dogs, Sadie and Shadow, a cat named Harley and a sassy budgie named Petey. They’ve each passed on as the years went by, and finally, in September, Harley crossed the rainbow bridge, the last of my pets to go. It’s been a sad time, but I am looking forward to the new year nonetheless.

I don’t plan to go out and get a new pet, not just yet. But I am going to make life better for other animals as best I can. To that end, my resolutions include: Spending one afternoon a week volunteering at the local animal shelter; donating money to organizations that help rehabilitate injured wildlife; and taking care of friends’ pets when they need help.

These may be pretty simple resolutions compared with others’, but it’s the best I can do right now. I hope you like my story! – Jane V., Dothan, Alabama

DEAR JANE: I think your resolutions are fantastic, and they will keep you busier than you think. Giving our time and energy to care for other beings can bring us some amazing rewards. It’s also a wonderful way to celebrate the lives of your beloved pets, and can help as you move through your grief at their loss.

I hope my readers feel the same way, and that as the year closes, they are resolving to make the lives of animals better in some small way during the coming year. Here’s wishing a happy New Year to all of my readers!

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