Seizure-like reactions pose the question of epilepsy

#MiddleburyCT #Seizure #Epilepsy DEAR DR. ROACH: My husband experienced seizure-like episodes without tonic/clonic body movements in high altitude. These episodes occured while he ... Continue Reading →

Chalazions continue to develop in both eyelids

#MiddleburyCT #Health #Chalazions DEAR DR. ROACH: Are oral antibiotics ever prescribed to treat chalazions, in addition to eye drops and ointment? I have had two this year for seemingly ... Continue Reading →

‘Burning’ tattoo forces halt to MRI

#Middlebury #Health DEAR DR. ROACH: Can you please explain how an MRI machine affects the pigment in a tattoo? My friend’s MRI procedure was stopped because she was experiencing ... Continue Reading →