How long will dog’s heatstroke recovery take?

#MiddleburyCT #Dogs #Heatstroke

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Two weeks ago, my Golden Retriever Lollie suffered a heatstroke. I let him outside into the backyard around midmorning. When I checked on him after about a half hour, he stumbled to me and collapsed. I rushed him to the veterinarian, where he was treated. Lollie is recovering, but I am terrified to let him outside again. Why did he have problems so fast? Will this episode affect his health long-term? – Greg in Houston

DEAR GREG: I’m glad to hear that Lollie is recovering, because heatstroke can be deadly – as you know. Your fear is normal, because you’re clearly a caring pet owner, and you don’t want Lollie to be injured again. That care and attention is perhaps the biggest factor in Lollie recovering fully and having fewer long-term complications from his heatstroke.

The reasons why Lollie suffered heatstroke aren’t as clear, but there are so many factors that could have contributed to it. The morning may have been hotter than usual. Lollie may have had an underlying illness that made it harder for him to withstand the warmer temperature. He might not have drunk as much water as he needed to maintain his internal temperature.

You did all the right things: letting him outside earlier in the day; checking on him periodically; and immediately taking him to the vet as soon as you saw his symptoms were serious. Keep following the vet’s instructions to support Lollie’s care as he recovers.

It may be weeks or months before he can spend the same time in the heat. He’ll get tired more easily, so his daily walks should be kept short. Make sure he’s eating and drinking enough water. All these factors will improve his health for the long term.

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