Trash program tonight

#MiddleburyCT #PilotProgram #TrashReduction

The first of two programs hosted by the Town of Middlebury with support from the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG), a kickoff fair for the launch of Middlebury’s Trash Reduction Pilot, is tonight, Tuesday, September 12, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Shepardson Community Center at 1172 Whittemore Road in Middlebury.

Those participating or interested in participating in the trash reduction program are invited to stop by the family-friendly Kickoff Fair, which will serve as a platform to promote awareness and enthusiasm for the pilot program’s eco-conscious mission. The event will feature informative exhibits and an opportunity for participants to engage with waste management experts.

The pilot program, launched on July 1, challenges residents to cut their trash in half. Each participating household is given a year’s supply of free trash bags (orange) and food scrap bags (green). Residents dispose of green food scrap bags in a “food waste” container located at the Transfer Station and dispose of their orange trash bags in the usual dumpster. By using only up to two orange bags and one green bag per week per household, the program aims to reduce trash and divert organics from the waste stream.

An informational pizza dinner (RSVP needed) for pilot participants and stakeholder groups will be held Tuesday, September 19, from 6 to 8 p.m., also at Shepardson Community Center at 1172 Whittemore Road in Middlebury. For more information, see “Attend Trash Programs” posted on on September 6, 2023.


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