Readers suggest creative solutions for dog poop in the yard

#MiddleburyCT #DogPoop #Neighbor’sDog

DEAR READERS: My recent column about a neighbor’s dog who kept leaving “deposits” in the yard got quite a response from all of you! This is clearly an issue from coast to coast. Here are a few of the responses I received.

DEAR PAWS: Many years ago, my grandmother recommended a solution to dog poop left in the yard by other people’s pooches. She told me, “Just put a drop of bacon grease on top of it, and the problem will take care of itself.” Think about it. – John C., Dubuque, Iowa

DEAR PAWS: I put signs in the yard reminding people to pick up after their dog. I couldn’t find a sign with the perfect language on it at the store. But I have a laminator and a color printer. So I made up several signs and placed them around the perimeter of my yard. Adding the “F” word seemed to get my message across. No more poop! – Janet F., Portland, Oregon

DEAR PAWS: The neighbor’s dog Tawny regularly digs underneath the privacy fence between our properties when I’m at work, runs around, chews up all of MY dog’s toys, and leaves deposits all over the place. Once a week, I go around the yard with a shovel, pick up each pile of poo, and fling it back over the fence. Neighbor hasn’t said a word, yet. – Bill V., Orlando, Florida

DEAR PAWS: The building next to my house is a multi-unit rental property. Occasionally a new renter will let their dog poop in my front yard and not pick it up. Well, the manager of the property is a real witch with a capital B, who has no problem confronting the tenants. I bring her fresh-baked cookies and have a chat. The problem gets solved real quick. – Gladys K., Lowell, Massachusetts

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