Pick up free transfer station bags

#MiddleburyCT #TrashReduction #FoodWaste #TransferStation

Friday, June 23, Waste Zero representatives were at the transfer station handing out boxes of orange and green trash bags to each Middlebury household that chooses to participate in the food waste pilot program, formally called the “Trash Reduction Pilot Program.” Waste Zero representatives will continue to hand out bags Saturday, June 24, and each day the transfer station is open during the following week. After that, bags may be obtained from the transfer station attendant. If households use two orange bags and one green bag a week, the box of bags will last a year.

Starting July 1, households participating in the free voluntary program for transfer station users will separate their trash, putting regular trash into orange bags and food waste into green bags. At the transfer station, orange bags will go into one container, green bags into another.

A more detailed article on the program will be published online and in the July issue of the newspaper.


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