This cat clings too much

#MiddleburyCT #ClingyCat

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My 6-year-old cat Ella has gotten very clingy lately. She was always fairly independent and preferred to lounge atop the sofa and watch the world outside the window. Now she refuses to do that. She runs to greet me at the door, meows nonstop until I feed her and then wants to climb into my lap the instant I sit down. She also begs to come into the bedroom and curl up at the end of the bed next to my feet. I know this sounds just darling, but it’s unusual behavior from her. What’s your advice? – Susan W., Burlington, Vermont

DEAR SUSAN: It’s interesting that Ella’s behavior has changed so noticeably, so fast. Has anything changed in the home environment, like you have a new work schedule, or moved furniture around, or added (or lost) a human family member?

Also, has anything about Ella’s health changed? Does she have any underlying condition that might be getting worse? Check with the vet to be sure.

If neither environment nor health are the problem, you can try to enforce some rules to alter Ella’s behavior.

  • Boredom: Make sure you play with Ella more often each day. The clingy behavior may be a request for additional attention.
  • Boundaries: Don’t change feeding times just because Ella demands it. And don’t let her into the bedroom if you don’t want her there. Keep the door shut.
  • Bribery: Well, not really bribes, but positive reinforcement. When Ella goes to her old lounging spot, reward her with praise or a treat. Don’t give her treats when she’s in your lap; instead, lead her away and give a treat to her elsewhere.

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