Should I buy a pet on an online marketplace?

#MiddleburyCT #Pets

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I was scrolling through my social media account and an ad popped up showing a really cute puppy for sale. What are people’s experiences buying pets online? – Curtis, via email

DEAR CURTIS: The short answer is, don’t. It’s unlikely that what you saw was an approved ad, because most social media companies do not allow pet sales or advertising for the sale of pets. Probably, someone created a post and made it public.

Avoid responding to the post, even if you think you know the person who posted it or think you know the location. Chances are it’s either a scam to part you from your hard-earned money, or you will receive a puppy that is not the one advertised or is very ill and needs a lot of medical care. I’ve heard too many stories from owners who got scammed from such online transactions.

If you just want a cute animal companion, adopt a pet through your local shelter. You’ll be able to see and interact with a potential pet, and the shelter will help you evaluate whether you’re ready for a dog at this point. There is a cost involved with adoption, but those fees are upfront. And I guarantee it is substantially less than what you will pay a shady pet dealer (or pay out in medical bills later on).

If you absolutely want a specific breed of dog, do the homework required. Find nearby breeders who specialize in the breed you’re interested in. Read up on the breed. Find out the financial requirements to match with, purchase, train and care for that dog.

No matter which path you pick, know that pets are an investment of money and time. The dividend is a healthy, happy pet that adores you. Don’t take a shortcut.

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