S.M.A.R.T presents internet safety concepts for parents

#Middlebury #PomperaugHighSchool #SMART

S.M.A.R.T. will once again offer a crucial Parent University – Internet Safety Concepts – Monday, November 7, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. for elementary school parents and from 7 to 8:30 p.m. for middle and high school parents. The presentation will be free and in person at Pomperaug High School.

Scott Driscoll, a 29-year law enforcement career veteran who served as a youth officer within a local Connecticut police department and combatted online crimes against children with the federal government, will help parents learn about current internet risks, trending social media apps and topics, potential dangers of our youth’s favorite outlets, and how to supervise our youth’s online experiences in a way that ensures they stay out of harm’s way on the internet!

The first session is for parents of elementary aged children and the second session is for parents of middle/high school aged youth.  Supervised activities for children available in the PHS gym during both sessions will include a magic show and balloon animals!

Registration is required – To register, click the corresponding link below.  If you have children in both age groups, you are welcome to join for both or either!  All safe adults in any child’s life are welcome to attend!

5 – 6:30 pm Elementary Parent session: www.eventbrite.com/e/internet-safety-concepts-for-elementary-school-parents-caregivers-tickets-448708608527

7 – 8:30 pm MS/HS Parent session: www.eventbrite.com/e/internet-safety-concepts-for-parents-caregivers-of-ms-and-hs-students-tickets-448711848217

Knowledge of online safety is vitally important to keep our young ones out of harm’s way! Our children have become significantly dependent on digital services and the devices we use for being online. Technology and the platforms of today’s day and age are used for entertainment, communications, social connections and in a lot of cases, serve as tools for gratification, sense of self-image, and acceptance.  When used safely and with a clear understanding of what we are doing and what the risks are, the internet can serve as a powerful tool as a source of learning and networking.  But there are pitfalls to everything and having a framework for online safety provides safeguards against the high risks and misuse of these tools!


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