Paper cutting is an ancient art form

#Middlebury #Antiques

Scherenschnitte is a paper cutting art form. It was known to the ancient Chinese and others, and it became popular again in the early 1800s, especially in the Pennsylvania area. A group of the pictures were sold at folk art auctions in New England about 2011 to 2019. They often pictured a spread-wing eagle with lacy trim. Each was signed “G.B. French.” They were described as the work of an artist working in the early 1800s. Other folk art theorems and watercolors were part of his signed work. Most were mounted in frames about 15 inches by 22 inches with painted corner blocks.

Scherenschnitte is a special type of German paper cutting art, and old and new examples are both seen at auctions. This modern example sold for just $40. (Kovels photo)

We were surprised to learn that the scherenschnitte was made in the 20th century. The earliest we have heard about was sold in 2013. There are contemporary artists making and selling pieces that are made of plain paper or are cut paper pictures with added paint. But we have not learned who G.B. French was. The old schnerenschnitte pictures sell for about $500 to $800, but the piece pictured here and identified as 20th century brought only $40 at a Hess Auction Group sale.

Q: I have a 45 rpm record by the Ink Spots that has been autographed by each member. Is it worth any money?

A: The Ink Spots, an American jazz singing group, started performing under that name in 1933. The group recorded for Decca Records from 1939 to 1953. The members of the quartet changed several times as one person left and another replaced him. After the group disbanded in 1954, many other groups used the name.

Vinyl records are collected, and many collectors want autographed albums. Some autographed albums sell for a few hundred dollars and some for several thousand dollars. The value depends on the condition, desirability, rarity of the album, the singer’s or group’s fame, and authenticity of the signatures. Value may depend on which album you have or who the members were at that time. Check with a local store that sells used vinyl records to get an idea of rarity and value. The Ink Spots are in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, so the autographs add value, perhaps as much as $150.

Current Prices
Toy, doll’s quilt, flowers on blue ground, center patch with scene of rabbits outside house, rounded corners, 29 x 20 1/2 inches, $60.
Doll, Madame Alexander, Ballerina, Margaret face, coiled blond braids, pink tulle tutu, flower trim, wrist tag, 1946, 14 inches, $600.
Toy, dollhouse, cottage, wood, painted, window box with flowers, roof lifts off to expose rooms, Schoenhut, c.1920, 10 x 13 inches, $1,140.
Rug, braided, large coiled center circle, surrounded by 14 smaller circles, cloth, multicolored patterns, 103 inches, $3,190.

TIP: To get a good shine on your antique furniture, use more rubbing, not more polish.

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