Pet owner says let cats roam freely outdoors

#Middlebury #Cats

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Your point about cats being at grave risk outdoors is just silly. Are there some dangers? Sure, there are. Small dogs are subject to the same dangers, as well as all the other animals that live outdoors. Are you suggesting that we should keep all snakes, hedgehogs, frogs, mice and turtles inside at all times because it’s a dangerous world outside? I dare say not!

There is always going to be a bigger animal outside. All animals are free. It is us, as humans, who put the boundaries on animals and cage them in. Do you think that cats didn’t exist centuries ago? Of course, they did! How do you think they survived? They learned how to survive. Is it important to help those animals in need of a comforting shelter, good food and lots of love? Yes! But please don’t cage in the freedom they need in order to survive for centuries to come. – Ellen I., via email

DEAR ELLEN: Those are … interesting points. You’re right, I do harp on the importance of keeping cats inside. And for that matter, small and large dogs. And, if they are being kept as pets, snakes, hedgehogs, frogs, mice and turtles.

Why? Because it keeps them exponentially safer and healthier. Staying inside reduces the chance of getting ticks and fleas. It keeps them safe from attacks by other domestic animals, coyotes, as well as (in my neck of the woods, New England) packs of wild turkeys. Keeping cats inside protects other wildlife – cats are hunters, and they love catching songbirds, hedgehogs, snakes, frogs, mice and turtles.

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