Help fight off fleas with brewer’s yeast

#Middlebury #Fleas

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Regarding cats with fleas, I have had great success eliminating fleas by adding powdered brewer’s yeast to their food. One of my cats even licked it out of her bowl dry. Brewer’s yeast is usually available at health food stores. – Suzanne F., via email

DEAR SUZANNE: Thank you for the tip! Brewer’s yeast is a great nutritional supplement for cats and dogs, and many owners have observed that their pets have fewer fleas when it’s added to their food. It can certainly be a strong asset to a well-rounded flea fighting strategy.

For cats and small dogs, sprinkle about half a teaspoon on their food at mealtimes. For medium dogs up to 30 pounds, increase that to a teaspoon. For every 30 pounds over that, add a teaspoon of brewer’s yeast. Consistency is important.
Brewer’s yeast, unfortunately, does not repel ticks, so pets – even those who stay indoors – should be checked regularly throughout the spring, summer and fall for these little hangers-on. Brush your pet’s coat daily to remove flea eggs and any remaining fleas. Owners may need to use stronger flea and tick treatments in addition to brewer’s yeast, but it’s still a great ally in the fight against fleas.

Other flea prevention strategies include vacuuming your home twice a week during peak season to reduce tracked-in fleas and their eggs, and quickly ruffling your pet’s coat with a towel and cleaning their paws when they come indoors. Bathing your dog or cat can help reduce irritation from flea bites, but only use shampoos designed for pets to keep their skin from drying out and becoming more irritated.

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