Cats shouldn’t get a free pass to poop

#Middebury #Cats

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Could you explain why cats can poop in my garden and the owners are not responsible for them? Cats kill birds and chipmunks, and they dig in my garden. Children’s sandboxes get fouled by cats. Cat poop is really unpleasant and can spread diseases. It seems unfair that cat owners should get all the enjoyment out of them, but not have to be responsible for their messes. Why do cat owners get a free pass? What can be done to keep the cats from killing birds and leaving messes in my yard? – Pat in Spokane

DEAR PAT: You’re absolutely right. Cats can wreak havoc on the local environment as they don’t limit their hunting to mice: A 2013 study estimated that cats kill billions of songbirds per year in the U.S. alone ( and search for “The Moral Cost of Cats”). Yet owners who allow their cats outdoors often don’t think that their sweet, adorable Fluffy could be a neighborhood menace.

That’s one reason I constantly ask owners to keep their cats indoors. It’s also for the cats’ personal safety; they’re at risk of being attacked by bigger wildlife or other cats.

Right now, there are two things you can do. First, deter cats from coming onto your property. Scatter a mixture of used coffee grounds, lemon peels and vinegar around the perimeter of the yard (pans of vinegar also work). Cover exposed ground in garden beds with river rock to discourage digging.

Second, raise awareness in the community. Spread the word about the damage cats do, and what owners can do to prevent it. Do this by talking with your neighbors and speaking at town or HOA meetings. Get the word out so the entire community can address the problem.

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