Now Here’s a Tip – April 27, 2021


My family’s spring-cleaning checklist is in full effect. Some people dread seasonal chores, but I relish the sense of accomplishment that comes from a job well done. With the right planning, and some helpful tips, spring cleaning can be a breeze. Here are some of the best we have to share. – JoAnn

  • “Stainless steel appliances are very popular, and in the kitchen, they get plenty of chances to get fingerprinted up. My appliance guy recommended using a light-mist, wax-based aerosol dusting spray once or twice a week to keep my stainless steel appliance fronts looking their best.” – R.C. in North Carolina
  • In the closet, we all want to pare away unused items, but sometimes it seems like you wear clothes that you don’t. Turn all the clothes hangers the opposite way (facing out instead of in). When you use an item and it is returned to the closet, replace the hanger normally. In a few months, if an item has not been worn, it will be apparent. If it’s not likely to be worn, it should go.
  • Spring is a wonderful time to clean the walls inside your house. It clears away hidden dust and really freshens a room. Clean painted walls by dusting them first with a dry mop, then washing with a rag dampened in water. If you need a little extra oomph – say, in the kitchen or bath – add a couple drops of mild dish soap.
  • New drapes or even new pillow covers in a fabulous pattern can really jazz up a room. Consider switching smaller furniture accents between common rooms or a fresh furniture arrangement to change it up.
  • Keep a bottle of club soda handy for spot stains on carpets or upholstery. It’s good for more than just drinks.

Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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