Halloween candy is no treat for pets

#Middlebury #Halloween

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Last year, my kids dumped out their trick-or-treat candy on the kitchen table to sort through. Halfway through it, they got distracted and left. I wasn’t paying attention either, but our two Golden retrievers, Nala and Jetty, certainly were. They both got onto the table and ate much of the candy – most of which contained chocolate.

For pet owners who don’t know, chocolate can be deadly to dogs. Never mind the candy wrappers they had ingested! That led to a panicked rush to the emergency vet and an overnight stay for both our dogs. Fortunately, their size and overall good health helped keep them from suffering any serious complications. However, I still shudder when I think about might have happened. What if we lived in an area where a 24-hour emergency vet wasn’t available? What if we hadn’t noticed the wrappers and smeared chocolate on the floor under the table until the next morning?

Please warn your readers to be vigilant about how they store their Halloween candy – both what they give out and what their children bring home. – Farah A., Lansing, Michigan

DEAR FARAH: You warned them, and I thank you. Halloween marks the beginning of an extended holiday season where rich food, chocolate, alcohol and other party foods are in abundance. And dogs love to be in on the feast.

Pet owners need to be especially watchful to keep their pets from ingesting chocolates, candies and other foods that can harm them (like onions and avocados, among other things). Avoid leaving food out on the counter or table, and place pets in their own room to chill out during parties to protect their health and your peace of mind.

Send your tips, questions or comments to ask@pawscorner.com.

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