Stay safe with virtual VA medical visits

#Middlebury #Veterans #Coronavirus

President Donald Trump calls it a war, and he might be right. The fight against this coronavirus has taken nearly all the country’s resources, as well as personal sacrifice. The Department of Veterans Affairs is on top of things, administering thousands of tests to veterans to prevent the transmission of the virus.

The VA wants you to limit your exposure, especially when it involves going to a medical setting. If you’ve never used the telemedicine feature of VA care, become familiar with it now to make sure you’re set up should you need it. Now, with the virus everywhere, you can make a telehealth appointment and talk to a medical provider electronically, without having to appear at the facility.

To have a video appointment, you’ll need either a computer, a tablet or a smartphone, as well as the VA Video Connect App. (See Scroll down to the yellow bar to test your device to be sure it’s compatible with the app. If you need tech help, call them at 866-651-3180 or 703-234-4483 on Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. ET.

To sign up on MyHealtheVet, go online to and follow the instructions. Click on Register and enter your information. You can make appointments, refill prescriptions, send secure messages to your care team and download or view your medical records.

You know what the virus symptoms are – we’ve all heard them a thousand times on television – but if you have a cough, fever or shortness of breath, call your medical provider. Don’t just show up. Call to warn them you’re coming because they might have a special entrance for you to use, with staff in protective gear to greet you. Following their instructions will protect not only the staff but other veterans.

And no, it’s not a joke: Wash your hands multiple times per day. The coronavirus enemy is sneaky and vicious.

© 2020 King Features Synd., Inc..


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