Why do Americans indulge their pets?

#Middlebury #Pets

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Why do Americans spend so much money on their pets? Couldn’t they save more money if they didn’t indulge their dog or cat with designer sweaters, booties, premium dog food and trendy grooming? – Caryn B., via email

DEAR CARYN: It’s true that Americans spend more on their pets than anyone else in the world. According to the American Pet Products Association, spending in 2019 reached $95.7 billion.

Owners spend most of their money on pet food and treats, totaling $36.9 billion last year. Another expensive item is veterinary care and related product sales (like medications), with $29.3 billion spent.

Why do we spend so much money? Ask any owner, and they’ll give you roughly the same answer. Our pets are a part of our family. We are dedicated to them, just as they are dedicated to us. We don’t want to see them suffer, and like any beloved family member, we are willing to spend far more money on their health and comfort than we would on ourselves.

Designer doggie sweaters aren’t just stylish, they protect our dogs from the elements, and the higher-priced sweaters tend to be more comfortable and better fitting. Booties prevent cuts to the pads on their paws when walking in the city or on icy pavement, minimizing pain and possible infections. High-quality dog food costs more, but the payoff is in better overall health and a longer life. And grooming, for the most part, plays a key part in keeping pets healthier and more comfortable. (With the exception of scrotum glitter. I’m not quite sure about that one.)

So sure, we’re spending a lot of money. But Americans look for a balance of value for what we spend, and clearly, pet owners are finding great value in spending a bit more to keep their beloved pets healthy and happy.

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