Dress up your pooch for Halloween

#Middlebury #Halloween

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My 2-year-old pooch Sookie and I have been invited to three separate Halloween-themed play dates, plus we are walking in a doggy parade to raise funds for the local shelter. Naturally, costumes are expected at all these events. Problem is, Sookie cannot stand to wear anything heavier than a doggie jumper. What kind of costume would work for this type of dog? – Geraldine, via email

DEAR GERALDINE: Halloween-themed play dates with costumes are pretty much for the guests’ entertainment – the dogs could care less. They just want to socialize with the other dogs. Wearing a costume that your dog is clearly uncomfortable in is no fun for Sookie.

Look for practical costuming ideas that Sookie won’t notice. If she is OK with doggie sweaters, how about a sweater with a superhero emblem printed on it? What about a Halloween-themed bandanna, if she’s comfortable wearing one? A decorated collar or leash also is fine. If you don’t want to design the costume yourself, pet stores stock a range of ready-made costumes, or you can order one online. Or four, if you want her to wear a different outfit to each party.

You don’t have to go all out, even if the Instagram photos of elaborately costumed pups tempt you to do so. Put Sookie’s comfort and safety first.

If you really want her to walk into the parties wearing some creative headgear, try it out at home first. If Sookie can wear a tiara or devil horns for a few minutes without discomfort, you can take it off after showing her to the other guests. If she shakes the headgear off, whines or otherwise seems distressed, don’t use it.

Send your tips, questions or comments to ask@pawscorner.com.

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