Are you (and your pets) ready to bug out?


DEAR PAW’S CORNER: What can I do to protect my dog and two cats if an asteroid strikes the Earth? – Curious in Fresno, California

DEAR CURIOUS: To be honest, I haven’t done a lot of research into asteroid strikes. NASA, however, is putting a lot of resources toward studying this particular type of astronomical object.

A more likely scenario affecting you and your pets is a natural disaster that has an earthly or man-made cause. Hurricanes, windstorms, forest fires, floods, earthquakes, house fires – you name it.

What can you do to protect your pets against these things? It’s difficult to prepare for all scenarios. But you can be ready for the most likely disasters in your area.

Fans of disaster preparedness recommend having a “bug-out bag.” This is a container or a pack that holds key documents, medications, food, water and other supplies that can be grabbed and carried easily if you need to evacuate your home in a hurry. Prepare a similar bag for your pets – with enough food for each of them for 1 to 3 days, any medicines they take regularly and copies of their shot records, licenses and tags. Include your contact information and the vet’s info on a collar tag.

Consider microchipping your pets, too: If they’re separated from you and lose their collar, a vet or rescue agency can find out who they belong to by scanning for the chip.

Have an evacuation plan that includes getting pets into their carriers quickly. Make sure their supplies can be grabbed and packed up. Once those preparations are in place, you can breathe easier and spend more time enjoying your pets, and less time worrying about the future.

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