Somewhere in the Middle – July 2019



By now, the final diploma of 2019 has been handed out and graduation season, with all its pomp and circumstance, has officially come to an end. In my home, the red cap and matching gown have found their way to the back of the closet, and we have found ourselves on a summer-long tour of graduation parties and college send-offs. It is a bittersweet time in the Henry household as the excitement of sending our son off in the direction of his dreams is tempered only by the idea that there will soon be an empty chair at the dinner table each night. Of course, if truth be told, we wouldn’t want it any other way. In fact, it is a bittersweet time 12 years in the making.

Twelve years ago this month, my husband Mark and I had outgrown our starter home in Danbury and began the search for a new home with three requirements in mind. First, we needed more room. With three young children, more space to grow was a must. Second, we wanted to be closer to Hartford in an effort to shorten Mark’s commute. And last, but certainly not least, we were in search of a good school system. Our oldest was already in first grade, and our next son would soon start kindergarten. It was time to get serious about putting down roots in a place with a public school system we could believe in. Mark and I were passionate about sending our children through public schools, and so our next house would truly be an investment in our children’s education.

As the story goes, circumstance brought us to Pomp (as Pomperaug High School is fondly known) and Regional School District 15. We fell in love with Middlebury and knew immediately it was the place for us. We found more space, a shorter commute, and a highly ranked school system. I will never forget the day the bus stopped at our new home and took our son to parts unknown. We took a deep breath and made a conscious decision to put our faith and support in the administrators, educators and staff of Region 15. We hoped and prayed that we had made the right decision.

Twelve years later, I can say with confidence that Mark and I have made few decisions better or more perfect for our family. Region 15 has been everything we had hoped for and more. And, as we watched our son graduate from Pomperaug High a few weeks ago, we were reminded of just how lucky we truly are. We are so grateful for the educational, athletic and social opportunities Region 15 has given to our children. We have had an incredible experience in the district and owe that to the talented and dedicated teachers and staff members of the region.

And so graduation caps off to you, Region 15. Thank you for all you do for our children each and every year. I am so grateful for the difference you make. And, as always, I am happy to be Somewhere in the Middle (of Pomp and a great circumstance) with you.


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