Safely show off your new puppy

#Middlebury #Puppy

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Our puppy Clyde is about four months old, and we can’t wait to show him off this summer. We have several outings to the park planned, as well as a group camping trip. Is there anything we should be wary of when taking him out to meet his adoring public? – Jesse and Tom in White Plains, New York

DEAR JESSE AND TOM: Congratulations on your new puppy! Taking Clyde out to meet people is a fine idea, and it sounds like you’re planning ahead to cover any contingencies. He’s at just the right age to do so: older than four months, so that he’s developed enough to interact with other dogs and people, and his immune system is strong enough to fight off most threats (as long as he’s had his shots on schedule). He’s following commands and learning to walk on a leash.

Here’s a few more things to do:

  • Give Clyde some early socialization by scheduling play dates with dogs you already know well. These don’t have to be very long; meeting for a few minutes during a walk, for example.
  • Plan a few trial runs to the dog park and the people park; schedule them during off-peak hours in the early morning so you have more control over Clyde’s interactions.
  • Avoid taking him out on very hot or humid days; aim for early morning or late evening at the height of summer. Bring plenty of cold water just for Clyde to drink.
  • Watch Clyde for signs of being overwhelmed if he’s around crowds of people or dogs. Take him to a less crowded area if he seems stressed out.

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