Jury still out on giving CBD oil to pets

#Middlebury #Pets #CBD

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: What is your take on using CBD oil on cats or dogs? A friend told me that giving it as a supplement could ease my dog’s separation anxiety. – Gary F., Tallahassee, Florida

DEAR GARY: While there is no solid scientific proof indicating that CBD (cannabinoid), a nonintoxicating part of the marijuana plant, has an effect on pets, you can find quite a bit of anecdotal evidence from pet owners. Most are very confident the supplement helps calm their dog or cat.

I’ve spoken with a few pet owners who have had positive experiences supplementing their pet’s diet with CDB, which can be obtained legally over the counter in several states. For example, a friend was struggling with anxiety-induced aggression in one of her dogs. During thunderstorms, he would begin snarling and snapping at her other male dog. Daily supplementation with CBD oil has reduced the aggression, she says.

Now, CBD oil isn’t a cure-all to treat every health or behavioral issue affecting a pet. It can help with anxiety. Its effects seem to be very subtle, on par with Bach’s Rescue Remedy, a daily homeopathic supplement. But it’s not a substitute for behavioral training and regular outdoor exercise – both of which can have a profound effect on a dog’s behavior.

CBD supplements like oil or chews can be given daily at feeding time. Be sure to follow the dosage instructions on the package. The key seems to be making the supplements a daily routine, and increasing the dose may not work. But for owners trying to improve their dog’s well-being, it may be a supplement worth trying.

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