Spending soars on gifts for pets


DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I love buying gifts for my pets at Christmas. My ex-boyfriend, however, says I spend too much money and that my dog and two cats don’t care that they’re getting presents. I still love doing it, though – it makes me happy to see them in a new dog sweater or cat collar or playing with new toys. What do you think? – Craig J., via email

DEAR CRAIG: I think you answered the question yourself: It makes you happy to give gifts to your pets. That should be all that matters – as long as you’re not overspending. Paying the rent or the mortgage is still important.

The truth is, Americans are spending more on their pets this holiday than ever before. A new poll by St. Leo University found that, on average, pet owners plan to spend $237 on gifts this season. That’s way up from the same poll done in 2015, when pet owners said they would only spend about $98 on their pets.

Why the big uptick in spending? Maybe it’s the way we increasingly see pets as family members. Maybe we have a little more disposable income this year and want to buy pricier gifts that we wouldn’t have considered for our pets a few years ago. For example, the owner of a store I frequent has a small terrier that wears a different, stylish doggie sweater every day.

At any rate, it’s your choice how much to spend on your pets, no matter what others might think.

Readers, what New Year’s resolutions will you make for your pet? Let me know at ask@pawscorner.com or on Twitter @PawsCorner.

(c) 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.


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