Cat can’t keep paws out of water dish

#Middlebury #Cats

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I have an older cat, Haley, who has developed an annoying habit. After using the litter box, she puts her paws into her water dish (the dish is not near the litter box). Now she’s started doing it even when she hasn’t used the litter box. I have to change the water each time. I scold her when I catch her doing it, but she hasn’t changed. How can I stop this behavior? – Betty M., via email

DEAR BETTY: Have you checked the bottoms of Haley’s paws? If the pads or the spaces between the pads look irritated, Haley may be experiencing discomfort and finding relief in the water dish.

Even if you don’t see anything wrong, try changing the brand of litter she uses for a couple of weeks. You should also let Haley’s veterinarian know about this new pattern. He or she may want to look your cat over and could have some tips to help change the behavior.

If no physical cause is found, you’ll need to stop the behavior. As you’ve noticed, scolding Haley does no good. You’ve got to be more creative.

First, move the water dish off of the floor to a side table with enough room for her to stand. Next, observe her behavior after each litter box trip. If she heads for the water dish, distract her with a toy for a few minutes. If you catch her in the water dish, gently lift her out, set her in another room and dangle a toy or treat in front of her. Basically, distract Haley with something she’s more interested in than water. This may take a few weeks and many repetitions, but be patient.

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