Flu season is coming fast


Flu season is just around the corner … again. Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a few things are new this year. Topping the list – the vaccines have been adjusted to better match the viruses that are circulating.

Fluzone High-Dose is the vaccine made for seniors over the age of 65. The vaccine contains four times the regular dose because we need help developing a stronger immune response. What’s concerning is that the high dose for seniors contains only three vaccines, not four. The shot has vaccines for A/Michigan, A/Singapore and B/Colorado. Regular quadrivalent (four-way) vaccines, also protect against B/Phuket.

However, even with the high-dose vaccine, we might not be completely covered. A 2014 study concluded that the high-dose was only 24 percent more effective than the regular dose. It’s curious that the study ran from March to August, which generally isn’t thought of as the flu season.

Another curiosity: While the CDC says the high dose is approved for people age 65 and older, they have not specifically stated a preference for any vaccine for that age group.

Here’s a tip: Don’t wait for your doctor’s office to call. Call them. Or get the vaccine at a chain drug store or community health clinic.

Last year was a high-severity flu year for all age groups, and the last thing you want is for the vaccine to run out. The CDC suggests getting vaccinated before the end of October. Flu season, however, starts in October, and it takes a few weeks for the vaccine’s protection to set in. Last year’s flu season was especially long. Keep an eye on your state’s department of public health website so you’ll know what’s going on around you.

(c) 2018 King Features Synd. Inc.


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