Is doggie door a safe escape?

#Middlebury #PawsCorner

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: The article about not leaving pets outside for too long because of coyotes is silly. There’s an easy solution: Just install a dog door! They work great. My dog comes and goes at liberty, and I’ve never had any other creatures follow her inside. – Robert D., via email

DEAR ROBERT: That is one solution, so long as you’re confident that your dog will be able to quickly run inside if a threat appears. Some dogs absolutely refuse to use a doggie door, which is annoying for owners who don’t need to monitor their dog’s every move (because they have a strong fence, and don’t live in an area that a coyote family has claimed as its hunting ground).

However, in areas where coyotes have been spotted or where there have been reports of them taking small pets, owners really should be outside with their pet, especially small- to medium-sized dogs, as well as cats. Coyotes are far less likely to show themselves when a human is present.

Some folks may wonder what all the to-do is about coyotes. In the Northeast, they have increased in numbers and are frequently sighted in suburban neighborhoods. In other areas, the nuisance animal may be a black bear or a cougar. In many cases, colonies of feral cats are a risk because they may attack house cats, potentially exposing them to rabies, FIV or feline leukemia.

Additionally, all pets that regularly go outside – either accompanied or through a doggie door – need to be vaccinated and have any required municipal license and ID tags. A microchip implant also is a good idea, just in case they escape the yard.

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