Stand Downs for 2018 begin

#Middlebury #VetsPost

Stand Down season has begun, and whether you’re on the side of needing services or providing help to homeless veterans, the information is out there and waiting for you.

Stand Downs are events that take place over one to three days, depending on the location. On a typical day, homeless veterans can get services for benefits eligibility screening, personal care items, employment help, legal assistance, haircuts, case management, housing and mental health services. In addition, many locations have food, clothing, shelter, health and dental screenings right on the spot, with multiple agencies and sources of assistance coming together. You might find college resources, a career fair and more, depending on the location. If you have your DD-214 or a Department of Veterans Affairs medical card, bring it.

Stand Downs have been going on since 1988, and there now are locations all across the country.To see the VA list of Stand Downs, go online to and scroll down. You’ll find dates, location, and names and phone numbers, as well as email addresses. The season runs until December in some areas. Make contact as early as you can, whether you need services or can volunteer. Many locations have transportation to the event, if you call ahead. If you don’t see a listing for your area, contact the nearest VA Medical Center. Perhaps your event isn’t posted yet, or maybe they need to gauge interest. You also can search online by listing your state for “veterans Stand Down schedule 2018.”

The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans has its own Stand Down page at There’s also a list of contacts for immediate help, such as the crisis line [1-800-273-TALK (veterans press 1)] and community-based organizations near you.

If you know veterans who need this information, please clip and copy, then pass it around, especially to homeless shelters.

(c) 2018 King Features Synd. Inc.


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