Celebrity Extra – June 7, 2018

#Middlebury #CelebrityExtra

Q: While I love all of these Marvel movies that are coming out, it got me to thinking about one of my favorite Robert Downey Jr. roles, which is Sherlock Holmes. Will he make another of those movies? – Bryan H., via email

A: I have good news for you: Robert Downey Jr. (Sherlock Holmes) and Jude Law (Dr. Watson) have signed on to co-star in a third installment of the “Sherlock Holmes” series. As of this writing, director Guy Ritchie is not yet attached, but I’m hoping that status changes soon. His snappy and smart directing style really could be considered the third star of the previous two films. The story is being written by Chris Brancato (co-creator of “Narcos”) and is scheduled for a Christmas Day 2020 release. As more information becomes available – such as storylines and other co-stars – I’ll be sure to let everyone know.

Q: Over Memorial Day weekend, I binge-watched “Everything Sucks!” on Netflix, and I am hooked. When will it be back for a new season? – Ryder W., via Facebook

A: Tragically, Netflix opted not to renew the wonderfully nostalgic series that centered on a group of high school misfits and outcasts in the small town of Boring, Oregon. Aside from having a kick-ass soundtrack with all your ʼ90s favorites – including artists such as Sebadoh, Ride, Spacehog and Tori Amos – it had a fun and relatable story of first loves, first experiences and first triumphs. As with all cult favorites, there is a #SaveEverythingSucks campaign on all social-media platforms, so you can get involved and get your voice heard to try to revive it from the bowels of the one-season wonders. This is one of a few shows canceled this year that I wholeheartedly agree needs a second chance.

Aidan Turner in “Poldark” (PBS photo)

Q: I need more “Poldark”! Can you give me any info about when or if it’ll be coming back? – Jennie T., Defiance, Ohio

A: The Aidan Turner-starring period drama, which finished airing its third season this past August, will be back for a fourth AND fifth season, according to PBS. The fourth season is set to debut this fall on Masterpiece on PBS, drawing on Winston Graham’s sixth and seventh “Poldark” series books: “The Four Swans” and “The Angry Tide.” For the fifth season, expect a jump of 10 years, with the action centering on the storyline of the eighth book, “The Stranger from the Sea.” The fifth season also is expected to be the final season.

According to script writer Debbie Horsfield, season four is “very much Cornwall-based, but there are so many characters and flavors, and one of those flavors is London. “There are whole sequences where we go to London, and that’s a really exciting new flavor to it. We will meet real characters, like (Prime Minister) William Pitt and (anti-slavery advocate) William Wilberforce. There are some wonderful, affirming storylines and some utterly tragic ones coming up.”

Write to Cindy at King Features Weekly Service, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803; or e-mail her at letters@cindyelavsky.com.

(c) 2018 King Features Synd. Inc.


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