Will new boyfriend accept 3-legged dog?

#Middlebury #PawsCorner

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: A few months ago, I adopted a sweet little mixed-breed dog from the shelter. Jasper had been abandoned and was brought in after being hit by a car. He lost one of his hind legs. He’s a great little guy, but somewhat fearful of strangers, and I’m working with him on that.

Here’s the problem: I’m getting back into the dating game a couple of years after a really tough divorce. I’ve gotta admit, I’m somewhat fearful of strangers myself after that experience! But I’m less worried about me, and more about whether a new boyfriend would accept Jasper.

I know you’re a pet advice columnist, not a relationship adviser, but how would you introduce Jasper to any dates I bring home? – John C. in Atlanta

DEAR JOHN: You clearly love Jasper and are very proud of his progress. He’s a member of your family – even if the family unit is just the two of you right now.

If you think highly enough of a date to bring him home, then you should by all means introduce Jasper. From personal experience, I can tell you that how your date reacts to Jasper will tell you volumes about their personality and whether the two of you are going to be a great couple in the long term.

But honestly, the relationship between you and Jasper is what’s important here. You’re just getting back into dating, so really, take your time, go out with a few different people, and don’t let your dating life dictate your relationship with a wonderful dog who is already making you part of his life.

Send your questions, comments and tips to ask@pawscorner.com.

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