Winning Ways – Get Started Now!

#Middlebury #WinningWays

Insights for Constructive Living
by Pat Iannuzzi

Accomplishing an important goal is rarely just a simple matter of getting it done. Even if the task or project before us is something we ardently and sincerely desire, issues often arise that delay our taking action. Our “internal voice” continually reminds us of the desirability of doing a particular thing, but for some reason we just never seem to get started. Often, as time flies by with no action being taken, we reflect back with regret and think, “If only I had …” When it comes to achieving important and desirable outcomes in life, getting started is everything.

We usually think of procrastination in terms of those things we don’t like to do. Activities we enjoy doing are in fact usually hard not to do. Nonetheless, we often can find ourselves procrastinating even when getting started on those goals we clearly want to achieve and enjoy. A major reason for this apparent paradox may be that while our end result is desirable, the challenges we need to overcome to achieve our ultimate aim may be intimidating. As much as we want to get started, we delay action, sometimes forever, because of the anxiety and uncertainty these challenges present.

Here are some thoughts on how we can work through these challenges and get started on what is important to us.

Continually remind ourselves why an achievement is important

We should focus on the benefits for ourselves and those who are important to us that achieving our objective will have. Imagine the emotions you will feel. Visualize yourself in a favorite place enjoying what you’ve accomplished. Picture those who love you celebrating your success. We also should think about the negative consequences that we and others will experience if we are not successful. This can increase our desire and give us the strength and determination to push forward to overcome the challenges that confront us.

Confront our challenges

It’s important to analyze our feelings to identify the specific challenges we face – the reasons why we are procrastinating. Without naming them, it’s much more difficult to develop strategies to overcome them. Recognizing our obstacles might lead us to see that a perceived obstacle may not really be the challenge we thought, or it might identify one we had not previously considered. Knowing what our hurdles are will enable us to take steps to prevent them from deterring us and give us the opportunity to prepare to deal effectively with them.

Overcome our fears

Our fears often have to do with our ability to carry out our goal. Sometimes our problem is simply not knowing where, when, or how to start. And even when we do, we may not have the needed knowledge and capabilities to see things through. Once we know the root of our insecurities, we can tap into the necessary resources to develop our skills to generate the confidence we need.

Set Deadlines

We have a tendency to tell ourselves that someday we will be ready to take action; that one day we will be more confident or that our situation will be better in the future. Regrettably, the opposite is usually true. As time steadily goes by, our fears get bigger, not smaller, until the flame of our dreams and ambitions flickers and goes out. Establish clear deadlines for your accomplishments. Don’t play the “someday game.” Take the steps to get started now!

Pat Iannuzzi of Symbiont Performance Group, Inc. is a performance consultant, trainer and coach focusing on selling, presentation and interpersonal skills. He lives in Litchfield and can be reached at 860-283-9963 or


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