Fall cleanup essential to tree health

#Middlebury #Eversource

BERLIN, Conn. – Fall foliage in New England brings unmatched beauty to the region –but it also can mean hours of yard work. Raking a yard full of leaves can seem daunting, but it’s an important part of maintaining the year-round health of trees and other vegetation, which in turn enhances the reliability of the energy system. Eversource crews trim trees year-round, but homeowners are responsible for tree maintenance on their own property, including keeping branches away from the lower-voltage service wires connecting their homes or businesses to the main utility lines on the street. The energy company strongly recommends contacting a professional tree service to perform this work.

Eversource arborist Bob Allen

“Trees are one of the leading causes of electrical outages in New England, which is why we work throughout the year to trim and remove hazard trees along the power lines,” said Eversource Manager of Vegetation Management Bob Allen. “Like our arborists, property owners can help keep trees healthy and away from the wires.”

Fallen leaves and branches can harbor diseases and pests that are harmful to trees and other plants. Raking up leaves ensures grass gets enough sun through the winter to stay healthy and prevents mold, diseases and pests from affecting trees in the spring. When cleaning up around trees and plants that were sick over the summer, wait until disease pathogens are dormant in the winter before raking the leaves or pruning. Property owners should also be sure to continue watering trees and plants through the fall while root systems are still active.

“Many people don’t realize that until the ground is completely frozen, root systems continue to need water as much as they did in the spring and summer,” Allen added. “If a tree or plant goes into the winter with dry roots, it is more susceptible to a winter drought and could have issues in the spring.”

Eversource shares tips that empower property owners to help enhance reliability across the energy system. Click here to watch a video featuring more tips on fall maintenance with Bob Allen, and visit Eversource.com for details on the company’s comprehensive vegetation management program.


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