Make and bake a matzah


The 21st annual traveling Model Matzah Bakery will be in Southbury. Tuesday, April 4, at 4 p.m. at the Southbury Public Library. The bakery also will visit Lakeville and New Milford.

Chabad Lubavitch of Northwest Connecticut is hosting the bakery as the Jewish holiday of Passover approaches. Passover celebrates the liberation of the Jews from bondage in Egypt over 3312 years ago. It will begin at sundown Monday, April 10.

Matzah is the special unleavened bread that Jews eat on Passover to commemorate the hasty departure from Egypt when there was no time to bake regular leavened bread. Some eat matzah out of habit but lack the knowledge of how it is made or the extreme care that is necessary.

The Bakery (modeled on an authentic shmurah – handmade – matzah bakery) offers a firsthand exposure to the ins and outs of a matzah – “No oil? Only flour and water? Why?” Participants have an opportunity to bake their own matzah and witness the entire process. An entire family can learn together and have fun at the same time. It makes the traditional mitzvah (precept) of matzah fresh and exciting for Jews of all ages and backgrounds.

“This is a hands-on experience that provides a real thrill and a great education. Both adults and children participate and it is difficult to tell who is having more fun. For them the matzah at the Seder table will never be the same,” said Rabbi Joseph I. Eisenbach, director of Chabad Lubavitch, “Bring your family and friends and you’ll be rolling in dough!”

The cost is $5 per baker in advance; $7 at the door. Each attendee will receive his/her own baker’s hat and an authentic handmade matzah made in the Holy Land for the seder! To register, please visit or call 800-297-6864.


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