Now here’s a tip – Jan. 17, 2017

By JoAnn Derson

  • Create your own “on this day in history” calendar, just for your family. Purchase a large wall calendar each year dedicated to memories. Start with just listing birthdays. Then you can document things that happen throughout the year. Maybe someone bought a new car, or lost a tooth. Write down visitors to your home and vacations. Then at the end of the year, transfer them to a new calendar, noting what year something happened. As the years progress, you’ll have a wonderful reminiscing calendar!
  • Use a pot rack, sold in the kitchen-supply section of department stores, to organize clutches and large wallets. – J.D. in Nevada
  • When you’re shopping, remember to do the math. Bigger isn’t always a better deal in terms of cost per unit. Make sure by dividing the price by unit (ounces, pounds or pieces) to see how much you are paying. Sometimes, the bulk size represents a significant saving, but other times, it’s MORE expensive.
  • “I keep my decorations organized using recycled household materials. I save tissue boxes to hold garland, and I wrap stringed lights around the core of a paper towel roll. Clean styrofoam takeout containers can hold ornaments, and material items, like tree skirts, stay folded but unmusty when kept in a net bag.” – H.R. in Washington
  • “If your suitcase is just plain black – and it seems like they all are – make it stand out at baggage claim. I put a bumper sticker from a band I like on mine. My cousins use yarn pompoms. My kids like the patterned duct tape you can buy. Personalize, and it’s easy to spot yours.” – M.M. in Florida

Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.

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