Town, Region 15 budgets go to referendum

Following public hearings April 6 in Middlebury for the proposed Middlebury town budget and at Pomperaug High School for the proposed Region 15 budget, the budgets were voted on by the Board of Finance and the Board of Education, respectively, and will go to referendum Wednesday, May 6.

The 2015-2016 Middlebury town budget that passed was $25,649 lower than the $10.17 million budget that was brought to the public hearing. That’s because the Board of Finance continued to make reductions in the budget and so voted April 6 on a $10.15 million budget. The projected mil rate will, therefore, be lower than the 30.17 mil rate announced earlier, but Chief Financial Officer Larry Hutvagner hadn’t yet had time to calculate the new mil rate.

The 2015-2016 Region 15 budget of $65.26 million, a 2.48-percent increase, passed with a Board of Education vote of four opposed and five in favor. One seat on the BoE, that of a Middlebury representative, remains vacant following the resignation of Francis Brennan.


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