Cat ‘horks up’ hairballs

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Sometimes my cat Bink starts making “horking” noises and occasionally, after some time, will cough up a little ball of hair. But other times he just makes the noises without producing anything. Should I be concerned? – Karl in Des Moines, Iowa

DEAR KARL: You can always contact your cat’s veterinarian if you’re unsure about a potential health issue. In this case, Bink may simply be dealing with hairballs or trying to cough one up.

According to Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, it’s not unusual for a healthy cat to cough up a hairball every week or two. These vary in size but are rarely round because the esophagus compresses them somewhat as they are brought up. Hairballs are just that: a clump of indigestible hair, typically swallowed while a cat is grooming itself. Sometimes they’ll bring them up with a bit of undigested food as well, which is always a pleasure to clean up, right?

If a cat has several episodes of retching without producing a hairball, or if it vomits or is lethargic, contact the vet. It could have another problem, either digestive or even respiratory, that only the vet can diagnose and treat.

So, can you prevent hairballs in cats? No, not really. Grooming is natural and healthy, and hairballs are a byproduct of this. You might be able to reduce their size and frequency by feeding Bink a diet that keeps his coat healthy, with less shedding. Groom him often, even daily, to remove shed hairs.

Should you give him a hairball remedy? Many vets recommend against it, as they do little to minimize hairballs.

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