Keeping a dog off the counter

By Sam Mazzotta

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My poodle mix, Shep, loves to jump up on the kitchen counter – not just put his paws up, but his entire body. He will do it whether we’re in the kitchen or not. My husband thinks it’s funny, but I don’t. How can I get Shep to stop? – Julia in Phoenix, Arizona

DEAR JULIA: I agree, it’s not funny. Shep clearly thinks it’s all right to jump onto the counter because he’s getting those positive vibes from your husband. And unless you persuade your husband to stop thinking it’s funny, teaching Shep not to do it will be very difficult.

Make sure, of course, that when you’re not in the kitchen, nothing remains on the counter top that would present a danger to Shep. That includes leftovers, cleaners, houseplants – anything that he might chew on or ingest.

First things first: Make it clear to Shep that he can’t come into the kitchen at all without your leave. Start by setting up a toddler gate at the entrance. (One that’s pretty high, since it sounds like he’s a good jumper.)

When you’re in the kitchen cooking or cleaning, leave Shep out of it. If he whines, tell him to “sit” and “stay,” and continue working. Once you’ve finished working, you can let him in, as long as he’s supervised. If he tries to jump on the counter, firmly tell him “down,” and escort him outside the toddler gate again.

Both you and your husband need to be on the same page. Shep needs to make the connection that certain behavior in the kitchen will mean he doesn’t get to go in the kitchen. It will take a little while, so be patient, but consistent.

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