Paw’s Corner – Wiley beagle thinks he’s Houdini

#Middlebury #Pets #PawsCorner

By Sam Mazzotta

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My rescued beagle, Fergus, is a dedicated escape artist. If I let him out in our backyard unsupervised, he will find a way under, around or over the fence in almost no time. Then I’m chasing him all over the neighborhood. I’m thinking of getting a higher fence, and in the meantime, I’ve changed the latch on the fence gate – he figured out how to undo the old one! What else can I do? – Frustrated Dad in Houston

DEAR DAD: Escape-artist dogs can be tough to reel in. And while neighbors may ask why you can’t simply keep Fergus inside, I know it’s even tougher to keep a high-energy, creative dog indoors when there’s a big, beautiful world just outside the window.

A multi-pronged approach is needed here. A higher fence and stronger latch are good solutions, but so is curbing that wanderlust. If Fergus isn’t neutered, get that taken care of. It can dampen his tendency to wander, particularly if he’s on the hunt for a female.

He’ll also need to be supervised every time he’s outside. That means dedicating a good chunk of time to Fergus, as bringing your laptop out with you to work may not be an option – he’ll likely pester you constantly to come and play. And you should. Play fetch, do some impromptu obedience training, and so on.

Grab some items that will challenge Fergus. He’s clever, so feed him using a “slow feeder” bowl that requires dogs to work through a grooved maze to get food. Give him toys that drop treats randomly when played with. But most of all, work with him to burn off his energy and make him more interested in staying home than trying to escape.

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