McCormack is no friend of Middlebury seniors

To the Editor:

Mr. St. John established an Elderly Tax Relief Committee in September 2007 to study and recommend means by which needy seniors in Middlebury could receive tax relief on their homes. Examples are the establishment of the Senior Center at Shepardson Community Center, Woodside Heights for senior housing, establishment of reserved funds to use for elderly tax relief, his support and approval of the proposed senior tax relief program, which followed the Connecticut Circuit Breaker program, along with other approved senior relief programs.

On the other hand, Mr. McCormack has been an obstacle to any senior citizen tax relief program the Elderly Tax Relief Committee proposed. In fact, the latest proposal, which followed the Connecticut Circuit Breaker program and would have allowed a very minimal investment by using funds in an account designated for senior relief, was turned down by Mr. McCormack even after it was approved unanimously by the Board of Selectmen.

McCormack denied this minimal relief to fewer than 73 needy families by removing the funding from the budget. He has refused to provide any budget support for any of the numerous elderly tax relief program proposals.

Other examples of his budget policies that affect our seniors include charging them for Middlebury Recreation Area passes that previously were free, reducing the budget for the Senior Center, and causing a loss of senior activities by reducing the Parks and Recreation Department budget.

I truly believe it is time for Middlebury to step up to the plate and begin offering support incentives to our seniors as all the surrounding communities have done. Keeping our elderly residents in Middlebury improves property values. It also reduces property taxes since fewer students will attend our public schools, therefore reducing educational budgets that have a direct impact on our property taxes. Once again, helping the elderly helps all the citizens of Middlebury.

We need to get out the vote on Nov. 3 and re-elect Mr. St. John, a proven supporter of the elderly.

Paul Babarik
Chairman, Elderly Tax Relief Committee


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